
Source code for pytorch_lightning.loggers.mlflow

# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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MLflow Logger
import re
from argparse import Namespace
from time import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

    import mlflow
    from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no-cover
    mlflow = None
    MlflowClient = None

from pytorch_lightning import _logger as log
from pytorch_lightning.loggers.base import LightningLoggerBase, rank_zero_experiment
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only, rank_zero_warn


[docs]class MLFlowLogger(LightningLoggerBase): """ Log using `MLflow <>`_. Install it with pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install mlflow .. code-block:: python from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loggers import MLFlowLogger mlf_logger = MLFlowLogger( experiment_name="default", tracking_uri="file:./ml-runs" ) trainer = Trainer(logger=mlf_logger) Use the logger anywhere in your :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` as follows: .. code-block:: python from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule class LitModel(LightningModule): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): # example self.logger.experiment.whatever_ml_flow_supports(...) def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self): self.logger.experiment.whatever_ml_flow_supports(...) Args: experiment_name: The name of the experiment tracking_uri: Address of local or remote tracking server. If not provided, defaults to `file:<save_dir>`. tags: A dictionary tags for the experiment. save_dir: A path to a local directory where the MLflow runs get saved. Defaults to `./mlflow` if `tracking_uri` is not provided. Has no effect if `tracking_uri` is provided. """ def __init__( self, experiment_name: str = 'default', tracking_uri: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, save_dir: Optional[str] = './mlruns' ): if mlflow is None: raise ImportError('You want to use `mlflow` logger which is not installed yet,' ' install it with `pip install mlflow`.') super().__init__() if not tracking_uri: tracking_uri = f'{LOCAL_FILE_URI_PREFIX}{save_dir}' self._experiment_name = experiment_name self._experiment_id = None self._tracking_uri = tracking_uri self._run_id = None self.tags = tags self._mlflow_client = MlflowClient(tracking_uri) @property @rank_zero_experiment def experiment(self) -> MlflowClient: r""" Actual MLflow object. To use MLflow features in your :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` do the following. Example:: self.logger.experiment.some_mlflow_function() """ if self._experiment_id is None: expt = self._mlflow_client.get_experiment_by_name(self._experiment_name) if expt is not None: self._experiment_id = expt.experiment_id else: log.warning(f'Experiment with name {self._experiment_name} not found. Creating it.') self._experiment_id = self._mlflow_client.create_experiment(name=self._experiment_name) if self._run_id is None: run = self._mlflow_client.create_run(experiment_id=self._experiment_id, tags=self.tags) self._run_id = return self._mlflow_client @property def run_id(self): # create the experiment if it does not exist to get the run id _ = self.experiment return self._run_id @property def experiment_id(self): # create the experiment if it does not exist to get the experiment id _ = self.experiment return self._experiment_id
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_hyperparams(self, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) -> None: params = self._convert_params(params) params = self._flatten_dict(params) for k, v in params.items(): self.experiment.log_param(self.run_id, k, v)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_metrics(self, metrics: Dict[str, float], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: assert rank_zero_only.rank == 0, 'experiment tried to log from global_rank != 0' timestamp_ms = int(time() * 1000) for k, v in metrics.items(): if isinstance(v, str): log.warning(f'Discarding metric with string value {k}={v}.') continue new_k = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_/. -]+", "", k) if k != new_k: rank_zero_warn( "MLFlow only allows '_', '/', '.' and ' ' special characters in metric name." f" Replacing {k} with {new_k}.", RuntimeWarning ) k = new_k self.experiment.log_metric(self.run_id, k, v, timestamp_ms, step)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def finalize(self, status: str = 'FINISHED') -> None: super().finalize(status) status = 'FINISHED' if status == 'success' else status if self.experiment.get_run(self.run_id): self.experiment.set_terminated(self.run_id, status)
@property def save_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The root file directory in which MLflow experiments are saved. Return: Local path to the root experiment directory if the tracking uri is local. Otherwhise returns `None`. """ if self._tracking_uri.startswith(LOCAL_FILE_URI_PREFIX): return self._tracking_uri.lstrip(LOCAL_FILE_URI_PREFIX) @property def name(self) -> str: return self.experiment_id @property def version(self) -> str: return self.run_id

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