
Source code for pytorch_lightning.tuner.tuning

# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, List, Union

from import DataLoader

from pytorch_lightning.tuner.batch_size_scaling import scale_batch_size
from pytorch_lightning.tuner.auto_gpu_select import pick_multiple_gpus
from pytorch_lightning.tuner.lr_finder import _run_lr_finder_internally, lr_find
from pytorch_lightning.core.lightning import LightningModule
from pytorch_lightning.core.datamodule import LightningDataModule

[docs]class Tuner: def __init__(self, trainer): self.trainer = trainer def on_trainer_init(self, auto_lr_find, auto_scale_batch_size): self.trainer.auto_lr_find = auto_lr_find self.trainer.auto_scale_batch_size = auto_scale_batch_size def tune(self, model, train_dataloader, val_dataloaders, datamodule): # setup data, etc... self.trainer.train_loop.setup_fit(model, train_dataloader, val_dataloaders, datamodule) # hook self.trainer.data_connector.prepare_data(model) # Run auto batch size scaling if self.trainer.auto_scale_batch_size: if isinstance(self.trainer.auto_scale_batch_size, bool): self.trainer.auto_scale_batch_size = 'power' self.scale_batch_size( model, mode=self.trainer.auto_scale_batch_size, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, val_dataloaders=val_dataloaders, datamodule=datamodule, ) model.logger = self.trainer.logger # reset logger binding # Run learning rate finder: if self.trainer.auto_lr_find: self.internal_find_lr(self.trainer, model) model.logger = self.trainer.logger # reset logger binding
[docs] def scale_batch_size(self, model, mode: str = 'power', steps_per_trial: int = 3, init_val: int = 2, max_trials: int = 25, batch_arg_name: str = 'batch_size', **fit_kwargs): r""" Will iteratively try to find the largest batch size for a given model that does not give an out of memory (OOM) error. Args: model: Model to fit. mode: string setting the search mode. Either `power` or `binsearch`. If mode is `power` we keep multiplying the batch size by 2, until we get an OOM error. If mode is 'binsearch', we will initially also keep multiplying by 2 and after encountering an OOM error do a binary search between the last successful batch size and the batch size that failed. steps_per_trial: number of steps to run with a given batch size. Idealy 1 should be enough to test if a OOM error occurs, however in practise a few are needed init_val: initial batch size to start the search with max_trials: max number of increase in batch size done before algorithm is terminated batch_arg_name: name of the attribute that stores the batch size. It is expected that the user has provided a model or datamodule that has a hyperparameter with that name. We will look for this attribute name in the following places - `model` - `model.hparams` - `model.datamodule` - `trainer.datamodule` (the datamodule passed to the tune method) **fit_kwargs: remaining arguments to be passed to .fit(), e.g., dataloader or datamodule. """ return scale_batch_size( self.trainer, model, mode, steps_per_trial, init_val, max_trials, batch_arg_name, **fit_kwargs )
def lr_find( self, model: LightningModule, train_dataloader: Optional[DataLoader] = None, val_dataloaders: Optional[Union[DataLoader, List[DataLoader]]] = None, min_lr: float = 1e-8, max_lr: float = 1, num_training: int = 100, mode: str = 'exponential', early_stop_threshold: float = 4.0, datamodule: Optional[LightningDataModule] = None ): return lr_find( self.trainer, model, train_dataloader, val_dataloaders, min_lr, max_lr, num_training, mode, early_stop_threshold, datamodule, ) def internal_find_lr(self, trainer, model: LightningModule): return _run_lr_finder_internally(trainer, model) def pick_multiple_gpus(self, num_gpus: int): return pick_multiple_gpus(num_gpus)

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