Source code for lightning.pytorch.loggers.mlflow

# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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MLflow Logger

import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
from argparse import Namespace
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Mapping, Optional, Union

import yaml
from lightning_utilities.core.imports import RequirementCache
from torch import Tensor
from typing_extensions import override

from lightning.fabric.utilities.logger import _add_prefix, _convert_params, _flatten_dict
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks.model_checkpoint import ModelCheckpoint
from lightning.pytorch.loggers.logger import Logger, rank_zero_experiment
from lightning.pytorch.loggers.utilities import _scan_checkpoints
from lightning.pytorch.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_only, rank_zero_warn

    from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_MLFLOW_AVAILABLE = RequirementCache("mlflow>=1.0.0", "mlflow")
_MLFLOW_SYNCHRONOUS_AVAILABLE = RequirementCache("mlflow>=2.8.0", "mlflow")

[docs]class MLFlowLogger(Logger): """Log using `MLflow <>`_. Install it with pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install mlflow # or mlflow-skinny .. code-block:: python from lightning.pytorch import Trainer from lightning.pytorch.loggers import MLFlowLogger mlf_logger = MLFlowLogger(experiment_name="lightning_logs", tracking_uri="file:./ml-runs") trainer = Trainer(logger=mlf_logger) Use the logger anywhere in your :class:`~lightning.pytorch.core.LightningModule` as follows: .. code-block:: python from lightning.pytorch import LightningModule class LitModel(LightningModule): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): # example self.logger.experiment.whatever_ml_flow_supports(...) def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self): self.logger.experiment.whatever_ml_flow_supports(...) Args: experiment_name: The name of the experiment. run_name: Name of the new run. The `run_name` is internally stored as a ``mlflow.runName`` tag. If the ``mlflow.runName`` tag has already been set in `tags`, the value is overridden by the `run_name`. tracking_uri: Address of local or remote tracking server. If not provided, defaults to `MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI` environment variable if set, otherwise it falls back to `file:<save_dir>`. tags: A dictionary tags for the experiment. save_dir: A path to a local directory where the MLflow runs get saved. Defaults to `./mlruns` if `tracking_uri` is not provided. Has no effect if `tracking_uri` is provided. log_model: Log checkpoints created by :class:`~lightning.pytorch.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint` as MLFlow artifacts. * if ``log_model == 'all'``, checkpoints are logged during training. * if ``log_model == True``, checkpoints are logged at the end of training, except when :paramref:`~lightning.pytorch.callbacks.Checkpoint.save_top_k` ``== -1`` which also logs every checkpoint during training. * if ``log_model == False`` (default), no checkpoint is logged. prefix: A string to put at the beginning of metric keys. artifact_location: The location to store run artifacts. If not provided, the server picks an appropriate default. run_id: The run identifier of the experiment. If not provided, a new run is started. synchronous: Hints mlflow whether to block the execution for every logging call until complete where applicable. Requires mlflow >= 2.8.0 Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If required MLFlow package is not installed on the device. """ LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR = "-" def __init__( self, experiment_name: str = "lightning_logs", run_name: Optional[str] = None, tracking_uri: Optional[str] = os.getenv("MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI"), tags: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, save_dir: Optional[str] = "./mlruns", log_model: Literal[True, False, "all"] = False, prefix: str = "", artifact_location: Optional[str] = None, run_id: Optional[str] = None, synchronous: Optional[bool] = None, ): if not _MLFLOW_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError(str(_MLFLOW_AVAILABLE)) if synchronous is not None and not _MLFLOW_SYNCHRONOUS_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError("`synchronous` requires mlflow>=2.8.0") super().__init__() if not tracking_uri: tracking_uri = f"{LOCAL_FILE_URI_PREFIX}{save_dir}" self._experiment_name = experiment_name self._experiment_id: Optional[str] = None self._tracking_uri = tracking_uri self._run_name = run_name self._run_id = run_id self.tags = tags self._log_model = log_model self._logged_model_time: Dict[str, float] = {} self._checkpoint_callback: Optional[ModelCheckpoint] = None self._prefix = prefix self._artifact_location = artifact_location self._log_batch_kwargs = {} if synchronous is None else {"synchronous": synchronous} self._initialized = False from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient self._mlflow_client = MlflowClient(tracking_uri) @property @rank_zero_experiment def experiment(self) -> "MlflowClient": r"""Actual MLflow object. To use MLflow features in your :class:`~lightning.pytorch.core.LightningModule` do the following. Example:: self.logger.experiment.some_mlflow_function() """ import mlflow if self._initialized: return self._mlflow_client mlflow.set_tracking_uri(self._tracking_uri) if self._run_id is not None: run = self._mlflow_client.get_run(self._run_id) self._experiment_id = self._initialized = True return self._mlflow_client if self._experiment_id is None: expt = self._mlflow_client.get_experiment_by_name(self._experiment_name) if expt is not None: self._experiment_id = expt.experiment_id else: log.warning(f"Experiment with name {self._experiment_name} not found. Creating it.") self._experiment_id = self._mlflow_client.create_experiment( name=self._experiment_name, artifact_location=self._artifact_location ) if self._run_id is None: if self._run_name is not None: self.tags = self.tags or {} from mlflow.utils.mlflow_tags import MLFLOW_RUN_NAME if MLFLOW_RUN_NAME in self.tags: log.warning( f"The tag {MLFLOW_RUN_NAME} is found in tags. The value will be overridden by {self._run_name}." ) self.tags[MLFLOW_RUN_NAME] = self._run_name resolve_tags = _get_resolve_tags() run = self._mlflow_client.create_run(experiment_id=self._experiment_id, tags=resolve_tags(self.tags)) self._run_id = self._initialized = True return self._mlflow_client @property def run_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Create the experiment if it does not exist to get the run id. Returns: The run id. """ _ = self.experiment return self._run_id @property def experiment_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Create the experiment if it does not exist to get the experiment id. Returns: The experiment id. """ _ = self.experiment return self._experiment_id
[docs] @override @rank_zero_only def log_hyperparams(self, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) -> None: params = _convert_params(params) params = _flatten_dict(params) from mlflow.entities import Param # Truncate parameter values to 250 characters. # TODO: MLflow 1.28 allows up to 500 characters: params_list = [Param(key=k, value=str(v)[:250]) for k, v in params.items()] # Log in chunks of 100 parameters (the maximum allowed by MLflow). for idx in range(0, len(params_list), 100): self.experiment.log_batch(run_id=self.run_id, params=params_list[idx : idx + 100], **self._log_batch_kwargs)
[docs] @override @rank_zero_only def log_metrics(self, metrics: Mapping[str, float], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: assert rank_zero_only.rank == 0, "experiment tried to log from global_rank != 0" from mlflow.entities import Metric metrics = _add_prefix(metrics, self._prefix, self.LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR) metrics_list: List[Metric] = [] timestamp_ms = int(time() * 1000) for k, v in metrics.items(): if isinstance(v, str): log.warning(f"Discarding metric with string value {k}={v}.") continue new_k = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_/. -]+", "", k) if k != new_k: rank_zero_warn( "MLFlow only allows '_', '/', '.' and ' ' special characters in metric name." f" Replacing {k} with {new_k}.", category=RuntimeWarning, ) k = new_k metrics_list.append(Metric(key=k, value=v, timestamp=timestamp_ms, step=step or 0)) self.experiment.log_batch(run_id=self.run_id, metrics=metrics_list, **self._log_batch_kwargs)
[docs] @override @rank_zero_only def finalize(self, status: str = "success") -> None: if not self._initialized: return if status == "success": status = "FINISHED" elif status == "failed": status = "FAILED" elif status == "finished": status = "FINISHED" # log checkpoints as artifacts if self._checkpoint_callback: self._scan_and_log_checkpoints(self._checkpoint_callback) if self.experiment.get_run(self.run_id): self.experiment.set_terminated(self.run_id, status)
@property @override def save_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: """The root file directory in which MLflow experiments are saved. Return: Local path to the root experiment directory if the tracking uri is local. Otherwise returns `None`. """ if self._tracking_uri.startswith(LOCAL_FILE_URI_PREFIX): return self._tracking_uri.lstrip(LOCAL_FILE_URI_PREFIX) return None @property @override def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the experiment id. Returns: The experiment id. """ return self.experiment_id @property @override def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the run id. Returns: The run id. """ return self.run_id
[docs] @override def after_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_callback: ModelCheckpoint) -> None: # log checkpoints as artifacts if self._log_model == "all" or self._log_model is True and checkpoint_callback.save_top_k == -1: self._scan_and_log_checkpoints(checkpoint_callback) elif self._log_model is True: self._checkpoint_callback = checkpoint_callback
def _scan_and_log_checkpoints(self, checkpoint_callback: ModelCheckpoint) -> None: # get checkpoints to be saved with associated score checkpoints = _scan_checkpoints(checkpoint_callback, self._logged_model_time) # log iteratively all new checkpoints for t, p, s, tag in checkpoints: metadata = { # Ensure .item() is called to store Tensor contents "score": s.item() if isinstance(s, Tensor) else s, "original_filename": Path(p).name, "Checkpoint": { k: getattr(checkpoint_callback, k) for k in [ "monitor", "mode", "save_last", "save_top_k", "save_weights_only", "_every_n_train_steps", "_every_n_val_epochs", ] # ensure it does not break if `Checkpoint` args change if hasattr(checkpoint_callback, k) }, } aliases = ["latest", "best"] if p == checkpoint_callback.best_model_path else ["latest"] # Artifact path on mlflow artifact_path = f"model/checkpoints/{Path(p).stem}" # Log the checkpoint self.experiment.log_artifact(self._run_id, p, artifact_path) # Create a temporary directory to log on mlflow with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="test", suffix="test", dir=os.getcwd()) as tmp_dir: # Log the metadata with open(f"{tmp_dir}/metadata.yaml", "w") as tmp_file_metadata: yaml.dump(metadata, tmp_file_metadata, default_flow_style=False) # Log the aliases with open(f"{tmp_dir}/aliases.txt", "w") as tmp_file_aliases: tmp_file_aliases.write(str(aliases)) # Log the metadata and aliases self.experiment.log_artifacts(self._run_id, tmp_dir, artifact_path) # remember logged models - timestamp needed in case filename didn't change (lastkckpt or custom name) self._logged_model_time[p] = t
def _get_resolve_tags() -> Callable: from mlflow.tracking import context # before v1.1.0 if hasattr(context, "resolve_tags"): from mlflow.tracking.context import resolve_tags # since v1.1.0 elif hasattr(context, "registry"): from mlflow.tracking.context.registry import resolve_tags else: resolve_tags = lambda tags: tags return resolve_tags