

Lightning supports the most popular logging frameworks (TensorBoard, Comet, etc…). To use a logger, simply pass it into the Trainer. Lightning uses TensorBoard by default.

from pytorch_lightning import loggers as pl_loggers

tb_logger = pl_loggers.TensorBoardLogger('logs/')
trainer = Trainer(logger=tb_logger)

Choose from any of the others such as MLflow, Comet, Neptune, WandB, …

comet_logger = pl_loggers.CometLogger(save_dir='logs/')
trainer = Trainer(logger=comet_logger)

To use multiple loggers, simply pass in a list or tuple of loggers …

tb_logger = pl_loggers.TensorBoardLogger('logs/')
comet_logger = pl_loggers.CometLogger(save_dir='logs/')
trainer = Trainer(logger=[tb_logger, comet_logger])


By default, lightning logs every 50 steps. Use Trainer flags to Control logging frequency.


All loggers log by default to os.getcwd(). To change the path without creating a logger set Trainer(default_root_dir=’/your/path/to/save/checkpoints’)

Logging from a LightningModule

Lightning offers automatic log functionalities for logging scalars, or manual logging for anything else.

Automatic logging

Use the log() method to log from anywhere in a LightningModule.

def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
    self.log('my_metric', x)

Depending on where log is called from, Lightning auto-determines the correct logging mode for you. But of course you can override the default behavior by manually setting the log() parameters.

def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
    self.log('my_loss', loss, on_step=True, on_epoch=True, prog_bar=True, logger=True)

The log() method has a few options:

  • on_step: Logs the metric at the current step. Defaults to True in training_step(), and training_step_end().

  • on_epoch: Automatically accumulates and logs at the end of the epoch. Defaults to True anywhere in validation or test loops, and in training_epoch_end().

  • prog_bar: Logs to the progress bar.

  • logger: Logs to the logger like Tensorboard, or any other custom logger passed to the Trainer.


Setting on_epoch=True will accumulate your logged values over the full training epoch.

Manual logging

If you want to log anything that is not a scalar, like histograms, text, images, etc… you may need to use the logger object directly.

def training_step(...):
    # the logger you used (in this case tensorboard)
    tensorboard = self.logger.experiment

Access your logs

Once your training starts, you can view the logs by using your favorite logger or booting up the Tensorboard logs:

tensorboard --logdir ./lightning_logs

Make a custom logger

You can implement your own logger by writing a class that inherits from LightningLoggerBase. Use the rank_zero_only() decorator to make sure that only the first process in DDP training logs data.

from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_only
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import LightningLoggerBase

class MyLogger(LightningLoggerBase):

    def name(self):
        return 'MyLogger'

    def experiment(self):
        # Return the experiment object associated with this logger.

    def version(self):
        # Return the experiment version, int or str.
        return '0.1'

    def log_hyperparams(self, params):
        # params is an argparse.Namespace
        # your code to record hyperparameters goes here

    def log_metrics(self, metrics, step):
        # metrics is a dictionary of metric names and values
        # your code to record metrics goes here

    def save(self):
        # Optional. Any code necessary to save logger data goes here
        # If you implement this, remember to call `super().save()`
        # at the start of the method (important for aggregation of metrics)

    def finalize(self, status):
        # Optional. Any code that needs to be run after training
        # finishes goes here

If you write a logger that may be useful to others, please send a pull request to add it to Lightning!

Control logging frequency

Logging frequency

It may slow training down to log every single batch. By default, Lightning logs every 50 rows, or 50 training steps. To change this behaviour, set the log_every_n_steps Trainer flag.

k = 10
trainer = Trainer(log_every_n_steps=k)

Log writing frequency

Writing to a logger can be expensive, so by default Lightning write logs to disc or to the given logger every 100 training steps. To change this behaviour, set the interval at which you wish to flush logs to the filesystem using log_every_n_steps Trainer flag.

k = 100
trainer = Trainer(flush_logs_every_n_steps=k)

Unlike the log_every_n_steps, this argument does not apply to all loggers. The example shown here works with TensorBoardLogger, which is the default logger in Lightning.

Progress Bar

You can add any metric to the progress bar using log() method, setting prog_bar=True.

def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
    self.log('my_loss', loss, prog_bar=True)

Modifying the progress bar

The progress bar by default already includes the training loss and version number of the experiment if you are using a logger. These defaults can be customized by overriding the get_progress_bar_dict() hook in your module.

def get_progress_bar_dict(self):
    # don't show the version number
    items = super().get_progress_bar_dict()
    items.pop("v_num", None)
    return items

Configure console logging

Lightning logs useful information about the training process and user warnings to the console. You can retrieve the Lightning logger and change it to your liking. For example, increase the logging level to see fewer messages like so:

import logging

Read more about custom Python logging here.

Logging hyperparameters

When training a model, it’s useful to know what hyperparams went into that model. When Lightning creates a checkpoint, it stores a key “hparams” with the hyperparams.

lightning_checkpoint = torch.load(filepath, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
hyperparams = lightning_checkpoint['hparams']

Some loggers also allow logging the hyperparams used in the experiment. For instance, when using the TestTubeLogger or the TensorBoardLogger, all hyperparams will show in the hparams tab.

Snapshot code

Loggers also allow you to snapshot a copy of the code used in this experiment. For example, TestTubeLogger does this with a flag:

from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TestTubeLogger
logger = TestTubeLogger('.', create_git_tag=True)

Supported Loggers

The following are loggers we support


class pytorch_lightning.loggers.comet.CometLogger(api_key=None, save_dir=None, project_name=None, rest_api_key=None, experiment_name=None, experiment_key=None, offline=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log using Install it with pip:

pip install comet-ml

Comet requires either an API Key (online mode) or a local directory path (offline mode).


import os
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import CometLogger
# arguments made to CometLogger are passed on to the comet_ml.Experiment class
comet_logger = CometLogger(
    workspace=os.environ.get('COMET_WORKSPACE'),  # Optional
    save_dir='.',  # Optional
    project_name='default_project',  # Optional
    rest_api_key=os.environ.get('COMET_REST_API_KEY'),  # Optional
    experiment_name='default'  # Optional
trainer = Trainer(logger=comet_logger)


from pytorch_lightning.loggers import CometLogger
# arguments made to CometLogger are passed on to the comet_ml.Experiment class
comet_logger = CometLogger(
    workspace=os.environ.get('COMET_WORKSPACE'),  # Optional
    project_name='default_project',  # Optional
    rest_api_key=os.environ.get('COMET_REST_API_KEY'),  # Optional
    experiment_name='default'  # Optional
trainer = Trainer(logger=comet_logger)
  • api_key (Optional[str]) – Required in online mode. API key, found on If not given, this will be loaded from the environment variable COMET_API_KEY or ~/.comet.config if either exists.

  • save_dir (Optional[str]) – Required in offline mode. The path for the directory to save local comet logs. If given, this also sets the directory for saving checkpoints.

  • project_name (Optional[str]) – Optional. Send your experiment to a specific project. Otherwise will be sent to Uncategorized Experiments. If the project name does not already exist, will create a new project.

  • rest_api_key (Optional[str]) – Optional. Rest API key found in settings. This is used to determine version number

  • experiment_name (Optional[str]) – Optional. String representing the name for this particular experiment on

  • experiment_key (Optional[str]) – Optional. If set, restores from existing experiment.

  • offline (bool) – If api_key and save_dir are both given, this determines whether the experiment will be in online or offline mode. This is useful if you use save_dir to control the checkpoints directory and have a ~/.comet.config file but still want to run offline experiments.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments like workspace, log_code, etc. used by CometExperiment can be passed as keyword arguments in this logger.


When calling self.experiment.end(), that experiment won’t log any more data to Comet. That’s why, if you need to log any more data, you need to create an ExistingCometExperiment. For example, to log data when testing your model after training, because when training is finalized CometLogger.finalize() is called.

This happens automatically in the experiment() property, when self._experiment is set to None, i.e. self.reset_experiment().

Return type



Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, Union[Tensor, float]]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual Comet object. To use Comet features in your LightningModule do the following.


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property save_dir[source]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type



class pytorch_lightning.loggers.csv_logs.CSVLogger(save_dir, name='default', version=None)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log to local file system in yaml and CSV format. Logs are saved to os.path.join(save_dir, name, version).


>>> from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
>>> from pytorch_lightning.loggers import CSVLogger
>>> logger = CSVLogger("logs", name="my_exp_name")
>>> trainer = Trainer(logger=logger)
  • save_dir (str) – Save directory

  • name (Optional[str]) – Experiment name. Defaults to 'default'.

  • version (Union[int, str, None]) – Experiment version. If version is not specified the logger inspects the save directory for existing versions, then automatically assigns the next available version.


Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type



Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type



Save log data.

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual ExperimentWriter object. To use ExperimentWriter features in your LightningModule do the following.


Return type


property log_dir[source]

The log directory for this run. By default, it is named 'version_${self.version}' but it can be overridden by passing a string value for the constructor’s version parameter instead of None or an int.

Return type


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property root_dir[source]

Parent directory for all checkpoint subdirectories. If the experiment name parameter is None or the empty string, no experiment subdirectory is used and the checkpoint will be saved in “save_dir/version_dir”

Return type


property save_dir[source]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type



class pytorch_lightning.loggers.mlflow.MLFlowLogger(experiment_name='default', tracking_uri=None, tags=None, save_dir='./mlruns')[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log using MLflow. Install it with pip:

pip install mlflow
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import MLFlowLogger
mlf_logger = MLFlowLogger(
trainer = Trainer(logger=mlf_logger)

Use the logger anywhere in your LightningModule as follows:

from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule
class LitModel(LightningModule):
    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        # example

    def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self):
  • experiment_name (str) – The name of the experiment

  • tracking_uri (Optional[str]) – Address of local or remote tracking server. If not provided, defaults to file:<save_dir>.

  • tags (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – A dictionary tags for the experiment.

  • save_dir (Optional[str]) – A path to a local directory where the MLflow runs get saved. Defaults to ./mlflow if tracking_uri is not provided. Has no effect if tracking_uri is provided.


Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type



Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual MLflow object. To use MLflow features in your LightningModule do the following.


Return type


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property save_dir[source]

The root file directory in which MLflow experiments are saved.

Return type



Local path to the root experiment directory if the tracking uri is local. Otherwhise returns None.

property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type



class pytorch_lightning.loggers.neptune.NeptuneLogger(api_key=None, project_name=None, close_after_fit=True, offline_mode=False, experiment_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log using Neptune. Install it with pip:

pip install neptune-client

The Neptune logger can be used in the online mode or offline (silent) mode. To log experiment data in online mode, NeptuneLogger requires an API key. In offline mode, the logger does not connect to Neptune.


from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import NeptuneLogger

# arguments made to NeptuneLogger are passed on to the neptune.experiments.Experiment class
# We are using an api_key for the anonymous user "neptuner" but you can use your own.
neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger(
    experiment_name='default',  # Optional,
    params={'max_epochs': 10},  # Optional,
    tags=['pytorch-lightning', 'mlp']  # Optional,
trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=10, logger=neptune_logger)


from pytorch_lightning.loggers import NeptuneLogger

# arguments made to NeptuneLogger are passed on to the neptune.experiments.Experiment class
neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger(
    experiment_name='default',  # Optional,
    params={'max_epochs': 10},  # Optional,
    tags=['pytorch-lightning', 'mlp']  # Optional,
trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=10, logger=neptune_logger)

Use the logger anywhere in you LightningModule as follows:

class LitModel(LightningModule):
    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        # log metrics
        self.logger.experiment.log_metric('acc_train', ...)
        # log images
        self.logger.experiment.log_image('worse_predictions', ...)
        # log model checkpoint
        self.logger.experiment.log_artifact('', ...)

    def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self):
        self.logger.experiment.log_metric('acc_train', ...)
        self.logger.experiment.log_image('worse_predictions', ...)
        self.logger.experiment.log_artifact('', ...)

If you want to log objects after the training is finished use close_after_fit=False:

neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger(
trainer = Trainer(logger=neptune_logger)

# Log test metrics

# Log additional metrics
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)
neptune_logger.experiment.log_metric('test_accuracy', accuracy)

# Log charts
from scikitplot.metrics import plot_confusion_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 12))
plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, ax=ax)
neptune_logger.experiment.log_image('confusion_matrix', fig)

# Save checkpoints folder

# When you are done, stop the experiment

See also

  • api_key (Optional[str]) – Required in online mode. Neptune API token, found on Read how to get your API key. It is recommended to keep it in the NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN environment variable and then you can leave api_key=None.

  • project_name (Optional[str]) – Required in online mode. Qualified name of a project in a form of “namespace/project_name” for example “tom/minst-classification”. If None, the value of NEPTUNE_PROJECT environment variable will be taken. You need to create the project in first.

  • offline_mode (bool) – Optional default False. If True no logs will be sent to Neptune. Usually used for debug purposes.

  • close_after_fit (Optional[bool]) – Optional default True. If False the experiment will not be closed after training and additional metrics, images or artifacts can be logged. Also, remember to close the experiment explicitly by running neptune_logger.experiment.stop().

  • experiment_name (Optional[str]) – Optional. Editable name of the experiment. Name is displayed in the experiment’s Details (Metadata section) and in experiments view as a column.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments like params, tags, properties, etc. used by neptune.Session.create_experiment() can be passed as keyword arguments in this logger.


Appends tags to the neptune experiment.


tags (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – Tags to add to the current experiment. If str is passed, a single tag is added. If multiple - comma separated - str are passed, all of them are added as tags. If list of str is passed, all elements of the list are added as tags.

Return type



Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_artifact(artifact, destination=None)[source]

Save an artifact (file) in Neptune experiment storage.

  • artifact (str) – A path to the file in local filesystem.

  • destination (Optional[str]) – Optional. Default is None. A destination path. If None is passed, an artifact file name will be used.

Return type



Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_image(log_name, image, step=None)[source]

Log image data in Neptune experiment

  • log_name (str) – The name of log, i.e. bboxes, visualisations, sample_images.

  • image (Union[str, Any]) – The value of the log (data-point). Can be one of the following types: PIL image, matplotlib.figure.Figure, path to image file (str)

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded, must be strictly increasing

Return type


log_metric(metric_name, metric_value, step=None)[source]

Log metrics (numeric values) in Neptune experiments.

  • metric_name (str) – The name of log, i.e. mse, loss, accuracy.

  • metric_value (Union[Tensor, float, str]) – The value of the log (data-point).

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded, must be strictly increasing

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Log metrics (numeric values) in Neptune experiments.

  • metrics (Dict[str, Union[Tensor, float]]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded, must be strictly increasing

Return type


log_text(log_name, text, step=None)[source]

Log text data in Neptune experiments.

  • log_name (str) – The name of log, i.e. mse, my_text_data, timing_info.

  • text (str) – The value of the log (data-point).

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded, must be strictly increasing

Return type


set_property(key, value)[source]

Set key-value pair as Neptune experiment property.

  • key (str) – Property key.

  • value (Any) – New value of a property.

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual Neptune object. To use neptune features in your LightningModule do the following.


Return type


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property save_dir[source]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type



class pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger(save_dir, name='default', version=None, log_graph=False, default_hp_metric=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log to local file system in TensorBoard format. Implemented using SummaryWriter. Logs are saved to os.path.join(save_dir, name, version). This is the default logger in Lightning, it comes preinstalled.


>>> from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
>>> from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger
>>> logger = TensorBoardLogger("tb_logs", name="my_model")
>>> trainer = Trainer(logger=logger)
  • save_dir (str) – Save directory

  • name (Optional[str]) – Experiment name. Defaults to 'default'. If it is the empty string then no per-experiment subdirectory is used.

  • version (Union[int, str, None]) – Experiment version. If version is not specified the logger inspects the save directory for existing versions, then automatically assigns the next available version. If it is a string then it is used as the run-specific subdirectory name, otherwise 'version_${version}' is used.

  • log_graph (bool) – Adds the computational graph to tensorboard. This requires that the user has defined the self.example_input_array attribute in their model.

  • default_hp_metric (bool) – Enables a placeholder metric with key hp_metric when log_hyperparams is called without a metric (otherwise calls to log_hyperparams without a metric are ignored).

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments like comment, filename_suffix, etc. used by SummaryWriter can be passed as keyword arguments in this logger.


Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_graph(model, input_array=None)[source]

Record model graph

  • model (LightningModule) – lightning model

  • input_array – input passes to model.forward

log_hyperparams(params, metrics=None)[source]

Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type



Save log data.

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual tensorboard object. To use TensorBoard features in your LightningModule do the following.


Return type


property log_dir[source]

The directory for this run’s tensorboard checkpoint. By default, it is named 'version_${self.version}' but it can be overridden by passing a string value for the constructor’s version parameter instead of None or an int.

Return type


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property root_dir[source]

Parent directory for all tensorboard checkpoint subdirectories. If the experiment name parameter is None or the empty string, no experiment subdirectory is used and the checkpoint will be saved in “save_dir/version_dir”

Return type


property save_dir[source]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type



class pytorch_lightning.loggers.test_tube.TestTubeLogger(save_dir, name='default', description=None, debug=False, version=None, create_git_tag=False, log_graph=False)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log to local file system in TensorBoard format but using a nicer folder structure (see full docs). Install it with pip:

pip install test_tube
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TestTubeLogger
logger = TestTubeLogger("tt_logs", name="my_exp_name")
trainer = Trainer(logger=logger)

Use the logger anywhere in your LightningModule as follows:

from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule
class LitModel(LightningModule):
    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        # example

    def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self):
  • save_dir (str) – Save directory

  • name (str) – Experiment name. Defaults to 'default'.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A short snippet about this experiment

  • debug (bool) – If True, it doesn’t log anything.

  • version (Optional[int]) – Experiment version. If version is not specified the logger inspects the save directory for existing versions, then automatically assigns the next available version.

  • create_git_tag (bool) – If True creates a git tag to save the code used in this experiment.

  • log_graph (bool) – Adds the computational graph to tensorboard. This requires that the user has defined the self.example_input_array attribute in their model.


Do any cleanup that is necessary to close an experiment.

Return type



Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_graph(model, input_array=None)[source]

Record model graph

  • model (LightningModule) – lightning model

  • input_array – input passes to model.forward


Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type



Save log data.

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual TestTube object. To use TestTube features in your LightningModule do the following.


Return type


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property save_dir[source]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type


Weights and Biases

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb.WandbLogger(name=None, save_dir=None, offline=False, id=None, anonymous=False, version=None, project=None, log_model=False, experiment=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Log using Weights and Biases. Install it with pip:

pip install wandb
  • name (Optional[str]) – Display name for the run.

  • save_dir (Optional[str]) – Path where data is saved.

  • offline (bool) – Run offline (data can be streamed later to wandb servers).

  • id (Optional[str]) – Sets the version, mainly used to resume a previous run.

  • anonymous (bool) – Enables or explicitly disables anonymous logging.

  • version (Optional[str]) – Sets the version, mainly used to resume a previous run.

  • project (Optional[str]) – The name of the project to which this run will belong.

  • log_model (bool) – Save checkpoints in wandb dir to upload on W&B servers.

  • experiment – WandB experiment object.

  • **kwargs – Additional arguments like entity, group, tags, etc. used by wandb.init() can be passed as keyword arguments in this logger.


from pytorch_lightning.loggers import WandbLogger from pytorch_lightning import Trainer wandb_logger = WandbLogger() trainer = Trainer(logger=wandb_logger)

See also

  • Tutorial on how to use W&B with Pytorch Lightning.


Record hyperparameters.


params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type


property experiment[source]

Actual wandb object. To use wandb features in your LightningModule do the following.


Return type


property name[source]

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property save_dir[source]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


property version[source]

Return the experiment version.

Return type
