Accelerator: HPU Training

This document offers instructions to Gaudi chip users who want to conserve memory and scale models using mixed-precision training.

Enable Mixed Precision

With Lightning, you can leverage mixed precision training on HPUs. By default, HPU training uses 32-bit precision. To enable mixed precision, set the precision flag.

from lightning_habana.pytorch.accelerator import HPUAccelerator

trainer = Trainer(devices=1, accelerator=HPUAccelerator(), precision="bf16-mixed")

Customize Mixed Precision Using Autocast

Lightning supports following methods to enable mixed precision training with HPU.


HPUPrecisionPlugin, HPUPrecisionPlugin enables mixed precision training on Habana devices.

In addition to the default settings, you can choose to override these defaults and provide your own BF16 (LOWER_LIST) and FP32 (FP32_LIST) The LOWER_LIST and FP32_LIST environment variables must be set before any instances begin.

The following is an excerpt from an MNIST example implemented on a single HPU.

from lightning import Trainer
from lightning_habana.pytorch.accelerator import HPUAccelerator
from lightning_habana.pytorch.plugins.precision import HPUPrecisionPlugin

# Initialize a trainer with HPU accelerator for HPU strategy for single device,
# with HPU precision plugin for autocast
trainer = Trainer(

# Init our model
model = LitClassifier()
# Init the data
dm = MNISTDataModule(batch_size=batch_size)

# Train the model ⚡, datamodule=dm)

Native PyTorch torch.autocast()

For more granular control over with mixed precision training, one can use torch.autocast from native PyTorch.

Instances of autocast serve as context managers or decorators that allow regions of your script to run in mixed precision. These also allow for fine tuning with enabled for enabling and disabling mixed precision training for certain parts of the code.

import torch
from lightning import Trainer

class AutocastModelCM(nn.Module):
    # Autocast can be used as a context manager to the required code block.
    def forward(self, input):
        with torch.autocast("device_type="hpu", dtype=torch.bfloat16):

class AutocastModelDecorator(nn.Module):
    # Autocast can be used as a decorator to the required code block.
    @torch.autocast("device_type="hpu", dtype=torch.bfloat16)
    def forward(self, input):

# Initialize a trainer with HPU accelerator for HPU strategy for single device,
# with mixed precision using overridden HMP settings
trainer = Trainer(

# Init our model
model = AutocastModelCM()
# Init the data
dm = MNISTDataModule(batch_size=batch_size)

# Train the model ⚡, datamodule=dm)

For more details, please refer to Native PyTorch Autocast. and Automatic Mixed Precision Package: torch.autocast.

Enabling DeviceStatsMonitor with HPUs

DeviceStatsMonitor is a callback that automatically monitors and logs device stats during the training stage. This callback can be passed for training with HPUs. It returns a map of the following metrics with their values in bytes of type uint64:




Amount of total memory on HPU.


Amount of allocated memory at any instance.


Amount of total active memory allocated.


Number of allocations.


Number of freed chunks.


Number of active allocations.


Maximum allocated size.


Total number of system allocations.


Total number of system frees.


Total number of active allocations.

The below shows how DeviceStatsMonitor can be enabled.

from lightning import Trainer
from lightning.callbacks import DeviceStatsMonitor
from lightning_habana.pytorch.accelerator import HPUAccelerator

device_stats = DeviceStatsMonitor()
trainer = Trainer(accelerator=HPUAccelerator(), callbacks=[device_stats])

For more details, please refer to Memory Stats APIs.

Runtime Environment Variables

Habana runtime environment flags are used to change the behavior as well as enable or disable some features.

For more information, refer to Runtime Flags.