
Early stopping

Stopping an epoch early

You can stop an epoch early by overriding on_batch_start() to return -1 when some condition is met.

If you do this repeatedly, for every epoch you had originally requested, then this will stop your entire run.

Default Epoch End Callback Behavior

By default early stopping will be enabled if ‘val_loss’ is found in validation_epoch_end()’s return dict. Otherwise training will proceed with early stopping disabled.

Enable Early Stopping using Callbacks on epoch end

There are two ways to enable early stopping using callbacks on epoch end.

  • Set early_stop_callback to True. Will look for ‘val_loss’ in validation_epoch_end() return dict. If it is not found an error is raised.

    trainer = Trainer(early_stop_callback=True)
  • Or configure your own callback

    early_stop_callback = EarlyStopping(
    trainer = Trainer(early_stop_callback=early_stop_callback)

In any case, the callback will fall back to the training metrics (returned in training_step(), training_step_end()) looking for a key to monitor if validation is disabled or validation_epoch_end() is not defined.

Disable Early Stopping with callbacks on epoch end

To disable early stopping pass False to the early_stop_callback. Note that None will not disable early stopping but will lead to the default behaviour.