
pytorch_lightning.core.memory module

class pytorch_lightning.core.memory.LayerSummary(module)[source]

Bases: object

Summary class for a single layer in a LightningModule. It collects the following information:

  • Type of the layer (e.g. Linear, BatchNorm1d, …)

  • Input shape

  • Output shape

  • Number of parameters

The input and output shapes are only known after the example input array was passed through the model.


>>> model = torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 8, 3)
>>> summary = LayerSummary(model)
>>> summary.num_parameters
>>> summary.layer_type
>>> output = model(torch.rand(1, 3, 5, 5))
>>> summary.in_size
[1, 3, 5, 5]
>>> summary.out_size
[1, 8, 3, 3]

module (Module) – A module to summarize


Registers a hook on the module that computes the input- and output size(s) on the first forward pass. If the hook is called, it will remove itself from the from the module, meaning that recursive models will only record their input- and output shapes once.

Return type



A handle for the installed hook.


Removes the forward hook if it was not already removed in the forward pass. Will be called after the summary is created.

property in_size[source]
Return type

Union[str, List]

property layer_type[source]

Returns the class name of the module.

Return type


property num_parameters[source]

Returns the number of parameters in this module.

Return type


property out_size[source]
Return type

Union[str, List]

class pytorch_lightning.core.memory.ModelSummary(model, mode='top')[source]

Bases: object

Generates a summary of all layers in a LightningModule.

  • model – The model to summarize (also referred to as the root module)

  • mode (str) –

    Can be one of

    • top (default): only the top-level modules will be recorded (the children of the root module)

    • full: summarizes all layers and their submodules in the root module

The string representation of this summary prints a table with columns containing the name, type and number of parameters for each layer.

The root module may also have an attribute example_input_array as shown in the example below. If present, the root module will be called with it as input to determine the intermediate input- and output shapes of all layers. Supported are tensors and nested lists and tuples of tensors. All other types of inputs will be skipped and show as ? in the summary table. The summary will also display ? for layers not used in the forward pass.


>>> import pytorch_lightning as pl
>>> class LitModel(pl.LightningModule):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
... = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(256, 512), nn.BatchNorm1d(512))
...         self.example_input_array = torch.zeros(10, 256)  # optional
...     def forward(self, x):
...         return
>>> model = LitModel()
>>> ModelSummary(model, mode='top')  
  | Name | Type       | Params | In sizes  | Out sizes
0 | net  | Sequential | 132 K  | [10, 256] | [10, 512]
>>> ModelSummary(model, mode='full')  
  | Name  | Type        | Params | In sizes  | Out sizes
0 | net   | Sequential  | 132 K  | [10, 256] | [10, 512]
1 | net.0 | Linear      | 131 K  | [10, 256] | [10, 512]
2 | net.1 | BatchNorm1d | 1 K    | [10, 512] | [10, 512]

Run the example input through each layer to get input- and output sizes.

Return type


Return type

Dict[str, LayerSummary]

MODES = ['full', 'top'][source]
MODE_DEFAULT = 'top'[source]
MODE_FULL = 'full'[source]
MODE_TOP = 'top'[source]
property in_sizes[source]
Return type


property layer_names[source]
Return type


property layer_types[source]
Return type


property named_modules[source]
Return type

List[Tuple[str, Module]]

property out_sizes[source]
Return type


property param_nums[source]
Return type



Takes in a number of arrays, each specifying a column in the summary table, and combines them all into one big string defining the summary table that are nicely formatted.

Return type



Get the current gpu usage.

Return type

Dict[str, int]


A dictionary in which the keys are device ids as integers and values are memory usage as integers in MB.


Abbreviates an integer number with K, M, B, T for thousands, millions, billions and trillions, respectively.


>>> get_human_readable_count(123)
'123  '
>>> get_human_readable_count(1234)  # (one thousand)
'1 K'
>>> get_human_readable_count(2e6)   # (two million)
'2 M'
>>> get_human_readable_count(3e9)   # (three billion)
'3 B'
>>> get_human_readable_count(4e12)  # (four trillion)
'4 T'
>>> get_human_readable_count(5e15)  # (more than trillion)
'5,000 T'

number (int) – a positive integer number

Return type



A string formatted according to the pattern described above.


Get a profile of the current memory usage.


mode (str) –

There are two modes:

  • ’all’ means return memory for all gpus

  • ’min_max’ means return memory for max and min

Return type

Union[Dict[str, int], Dict[int, int]]


A dictionary in which the keys are device ids as integers and values are memory usage as integers in MB. If mode is ‘min_max’, the dictionary will also contain two additional keys:

  • ’min_gpu_mem’: the minimum memory usage in MB

  • ’max_gpu_mem’: the maximum memory usage in MB

Return type

Union[str, List]