
pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns module

class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.AUC(, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Calculates the Area Under the Curve using the trapoezoidal rule


Every metric call will cause a GPU synchronization, which may slow down your code


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = AUC()
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)
  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(x, y)[source]

Computes the AUC

Return type



AUC calculated with trapezoidal rule

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.AUROC(average='macro',, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute Area Under the Curve (AUC) from prediction scores


this implementation is restricted to the binary classification task or multilabel classification task in label indicator format.

  • average (Optional[str]) –

    If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

    • If ‘micro’: Calculate metrics globally by considering each element of the label indicator matrix as a label.

    • If ‘macro’: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.

    • If ‘weighted’: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label).

    • If ‘samples’: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_score, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_score (ndarray) – Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or binary decisions.

  • y_true (ndarray) – True binary labels in binary label indicators.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type



Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Accuracy(normalize=True,, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Calculates the Accuracy Score


Every metric call will cause a GPU synchronization, which may slow down your code


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = Accuracy()
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)
  • normalize (bool) – If False, return the number of correctly classified samples. Otherwise, return the fraction of correctly classified samples.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]

Computes the accuracy

  • y_pred (ndarray) – the array containing the predictions (already in categorical form)

  • y_true (ndarray) – the array containing the targets (in categorical form)

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type



Accuracy Score

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.AveragePrecision(average='macro',, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Calculates the average precision (AP) score.

  • average (Optional[str]) –

    If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

    • If ‘micro’: Calculate metrics globally by considering each element of the label indicator matrix as a label.

    • If ‘macro’: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.

    • If ‘weighted’: Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label).

    • If ‘samples’: Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_score, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_score (ndarray) – Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class, confidence values, or binary decisions.

  • y_true (ndarray) – True binary labels in binary label indicators.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type



average precision score

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.ConfusionMatrix(labels=None,, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute confusion matrix to evaluate the accuracy of a classification By definition a confusion matrix C is such that C_{i, j} is equal to the number of observations known to be in group i but predicted to be in group j.


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 1])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = ConfusionMatrix()
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)
tensor([[1., 0., 0.],
        [0., 1., 0.],
        [0., 1., 1.]])
  • labels (Optional[Sequence]) – List of labels to index the matrix. This may be used to reorder or select a subset of labels. If none is given, those that appear at least once in y_true or y_pred are used in sorted order.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_pred, y_true)[source]
  • y_pred (ndarray) – Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

Return type



Confusion matrix (array of shape [num_classes, num_classes])

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.F1(labels=None, pos_label=1, average='macro',, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute the F1 score, also known as balanced F-score or F-measure The F1 score can be interpreted as a weighted average of the precision and recall, where an F1 score reaches its best value at 1 and worst score at 0. The relative contribution of precision and recall to the F1 score are equal. The formula for the F1 score is:

F_1 = 2 \cdot \frac{precision \cdot recall}{precision + recall}

In the multi-class and multi-label case, this is the weighted average of the F1 score of each class.


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = F1()
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)
  • labels (Optional[Sequence]) – Integer array of labels.

  • pos_label (Union[str, int]) – The class to report if average='binary'.

  • average (Optional[str]) –

    This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

    • 'binary': Only report results for the class specified by pos_label. This is applicable only if targets (y_{true,pred}) are binary.

    • 'micro': Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives.

    • 'macro': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.

    • 'weighted': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall.

    • 'samples': Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from accuracy_score()).

    Note that if pos_label is given in binary classification with average != ‘binary’, only that positive class is reported. This behavior is deprecated and will change in version 0.18.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_pred (ndarray) – Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type

Union[ndarray, float]


F1 score of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the F1 scores of each class for the multiclass task.

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.FBeta(beta, labels=None, pos_label=1, average='macro',, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute the F-beta score. The beta parameter determines the weight of precision in the combined score. beta < 1 lends more weight to precision, while beta > 1 favors recall (beta -> 0 considers only precision, beta -> inf only recall).


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = FBeta(beta=0.25)
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)


  • beta (float) – Weight of precision in harmonic mean.

  • labels (Optional[Sequence]) – Integer array of labels.

  • pos_label (Union[str, int]) – The class to report if average='binary'.

  • average (Optional[str]) –

    This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

    • 'binary': Only report results for the class specified by pos_label. This is applicable only if targets (y_{true,pred}) are binary.

    • 'micro': Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives.

    • 'macro': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.

    • 'weighted': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall.

    • 'samples': Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from accuracy_score()).

    Note that if pos_label is given in binary classification with average != ‘binary’, only that positive class is reported. This behavior is deprecated and will change in version 0.18.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_pred (ndarray) – Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type

Union[ndarray, float]


FBeta score of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the FBeta scores of each class for the multiclass task.

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Precision(labels=None, pos_label=1, average='macro',, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute the precision The precision is the ratio tp / (tp + fp) where tp is the number of true positives and fp the number of false positives. The precision is intuitively the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative. The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0.


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = Precision()
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)
  • labels (Optional[Sequence]) – Integer array of labels.

  • pos_label (Union[str, int]) – The class to report if average='binary'.

  • average (Optional[str]) –

    This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

    • 'binary': Only report results for the class specified by pos_label. This is applicable only if targets (y_{true,pred}) are binary.

    • 'micro': Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives.

    • 'macro': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.

    • 'weighted': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall.

    • 'samples': Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from accuracy_score()).

    Note that if pos_label is given in binary classification with average != ‘binary’, only that positive class is reported. This behavior is deprecated and will change in version 0.18.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_pred (ndarray) – Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type

Union[ndarray, float]


Precision of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the precision of each class for the multiclass task.

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.PrecisionRecallCurve(pos_label=1,, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute precision-recall pairs for different probability thresholds


This implementation is restricted to the binary classification task.

The precision is the ratio tp / (tp + fp) where tp is the number of true positives and fp the number of false positives. The precision is intuitively the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative. The recall is the ratio tp / (tp + fn) where tp is the number of true positives and fn the number of false negatives. The recall is intuitively the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples. The last precision and recall values are 1. and 0. respectively and do not have a corresponding threshold. This ensures that the graph starts on the x axis.

  • pos_label (Union[str, int]) – The class to report if average='binary'.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(probas_pred, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • probas_pred (ndarray) – Estimated probabilities or decision function.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.


Precision values such that element i is the precision of

predictions with score >= thresholds[i] and the last element is 1.


Decreasing recall values such that element i is the recall of predictions with score >= thresholds[i] and the last element is 0.


Increasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute precision and recall.

Return type


_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.ROC(pos_label=1,, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute Receiver operating characteristic (ROC)


this implementation is restricted to the binary classification task.


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = ROC()
>>> fps, tps = metric(y_pred, y_true)
>>> fps
tensor([0.0000, 0.3333, 0.6667, 0.6667, 1.0000])
>>> tps
tensor([0., 0., 0., 1., 1.])


  • pos_labels – The class to report if average='binary'.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_score, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_score (ndarray) – Target scores, can either be probability estimates of the positive class or confidence values.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.


Increasing false positive rates such that element i is the false

positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i].


Increasing true positive rates such that element i is the true positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i].


Decreasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute fpr and tpr. thresholds[0] represents no instances being predicted and is arbitrarily set to max(y_score) + 1.

Return type


_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.Recall(labels=None, pos_label=1, average='macro',, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric

Compute the recall The recall is the ratio tp / (tp + fn) where tp is the number of true positives and fn the number of false negatives. The recall is intuitively the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples. The best value is 1 and the worst value is 0.


>>> y_pred = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> y_true = torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 2])
>>> metric = Recall()
>>> metric(y_pred, y_true)
  • labels (Optional[Sequence]) – Integer array of labels.

  • pos_label (Union[str, int]) – The class to report if average='binary'.

  • average (Optional[str]) –

    This parameter is required for multiclass/multilabel targets. If None, the scores for each class are returned. Otherwise, this determines the type of averaging performed on the data:

    • 'binary': Only report results for the class specified by pos_label. This is applicable only if targets (y_{true,pred}) are binary.

    • 'micro': Calculate metrics globally by counting the total true positives, false negatives and false positives.

    • 'macro': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their unweighted mean. This does not take label imbalance into account.

    • 'weighted': Calculate metrics for each label, and find their average, weighted by support (the number of true instances for each label). This alters ‘macro’ to account for label imbalance; it can result in an F-score that is not between precision and recall.

    • 'samples': Calculate metrics for each instance, and find their average (only meaningful for multilabel classification where this differs from accuracy_score()).

    Note that if pos_label is given in binary classification with average != ‘binary’, only that positive class is reported. This behavior is deprecated and will change in version 0.18.

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

forward(y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=None)[source]
  • y_pred (ndarray) – Estimated targets as returned by a classifier.

  • y_true (ndarray) – Ground truth (correct) target values.

  • sample_weight (Optional[ndarray]) – Sample weights.

Return type

Union[ndarray, float]


Recall of the positive class in binary classification or weighted average of the recall of each class for the multiclass task.

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
class pytorch_lightning.metrics.sklearns.SklearnMetric(metric_name,, reduce_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.metrics.metric.NumpyMetric

Bridge between PyTorch Lightning and scikit-learn metrics


Every metric call will cause a GPU synchronization, which may slow down your code


The order of targets and predictions may be different from the order typically used in PyTorch

  • metric_name (str) – the metric name to import and compute from scikit-learn.metrics

  • reduce_group (Any) – the process group for DDP reduces (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to all processes (world)

  • reduce_op (Any) – the operation to perform during reduction within DDP (only needed for DDP training). Defaults to sum.

  • **kwargs – additonal keyword arguments (will be forwarded to metric call)

forward(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Carries the actual metric computation

  • *args – Positional arguments forwarded to metric call (should be already converted to numpy)

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments forwarded to metric call (should be already converted to numpy)

Return type

Union[ndarray, int, float]


the metric value (will be converted to tensor by baseclass)

_device = None[source]
_dtype = None[source]
property metric_fn[source]